Untitled Comedy by the New School announces UNTITLED LAGOS featuring nine (9) New School Headliners.
Untitled Co – Africa’s next-generation entertainment company presents Untitled Comedy by The New School – Untitled Lagos The Untitled Tour started earlier this year with stops at Abuja and Portharcourt, spreading the umbrella of new school comedy across Nigeria. The Grand Finale of the tour will be happening in Lagos, Muson Centre on the 23rd…
Volida.Io and Untitled CO announces global content partnership for Untitled
The deal covers 3 European markets with access to 10m+ homes, strengthening their reach with direct-to-consumer distribution for the first time, in addition to the traditional performance. Volida.Io and Untitled CO announced a global content partnership plan for Untitled worth thousands of dollars. The live streaming partnership marks an expansion of Untitled’s audience extending the…